Thursday, January 19, 2012

No-Poo equals Curly Q

Anyone who knows me knows that I have naturally curly hair. They also know that I LOVE it. Anyone who knows my husband knows that he thinks curly hair is incredibly sexy. I love the rain and the humidity because my hair loves it, too. However, recently my hair has been… wilting. It has made me sad, and my husband sadder. What to do?
Ah-HA! I’ve been reading up on how to care for my curls and I came across this link: I was blown away! I would have never thought that shampoo and towels were the culprits to my wilted mane. So, I decided to try the “No-Poo” method. I’ll admit, I was a little nervous because the article said that it may take a few WEEKS for my hair to adjust and that it may actually look worse. ACK!
So far, so good. My hair appears bouncy and not as greasy as I had imagined. I do need to look for some better gel, though.
Tip: Spray gel is not your friend.

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