I've forgotten the login information of my blog! ACK! Luckily, I remembered that I had this one all pretty and set up already, so I just copied and pasted my previous posts in here. kthx.
So, needless to say, I will try again. This post will probably be much more abridged, however considering my waning patience with backlit objects. (i.e. My laptop)
This blog serves the purpose of my journal this year. My husband, Nick, is constantly asking me to write in a journal before I go to bed, so I created this to prove to him as well as to myself that I can and will write at least three times a week for the entire year of 2012. (At least until our world as we know it comes to a screeching halt.)
Now is the part where I indulge you on who I am. Buckle up.
My name is Michelle. I am very, VERY small in height, but becoming more pronounced in width considering I am in the process of creating our first child. I am named after my father. After marrying my husband, I not only changed my last name, but I gave myself a middle name as well – my mother’s first name.
Physically, I am nothing special. I have blonde, curly hair that usually does what it wants. However, because I’m irrational and chopped off a good six inches after my wedding, my hair doesn’t curl properly anymore. This saddens me. My eyes are a grayish/greenish/blue. They change color according to who knows what, and look much better with a bit of mascara. I do not paint my fingernails. Although I may start now that I am overcoming my addiction to biting them. It always looked so odd with little blobs of red or pink dotting the end of my fingers. But, now that it’s quite obvious that those things on the end of my fingers are indeed nails, I may like to liven up my phalanges from time to time. I haven’t decided, but I will keep you posted.
I am deeply in love with my husband. We met when we were 14 and became instant friends. Years later, at 18, we went on a few dates before he left for his two year mission to Chihuahua, Mexico. While he was gone, I was married and shortly divorced. That time left me broken and unsure if I would ever find real love. I do not regret it, however. That experience molded me into the person that Nick needed after he returned in November of 2010. We began officially dating December 19, 2010, were engaged on July 4, 2011 and married October 15 of that same year. It’s been a wonderful ride, and I cherish every day that I am blessed to wake up next to such a valiant servant of the Lord.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have been for my entire life. I am extremely proud of my religion and am excited to teach my little one about the Gospel when he or she arrives. I am fully convinced I am cooking a future apostle. One day, Nick and I hope to be the Mission President (and President’s wife) of one of the hundreds of missions the Church has to offer.
Whelp… that’s pretty much it. I am who I am, and I will see you again sometime this week.
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