First of all, I apologize for my hiatus last week. I just.... didn't feel like blogging.
Secondly, I've noticed some things during this pregnancy. I've noticed that I have a temper that seems to have a mind of its own, my ankles all but disappear into a puffy oblivion after five p.m., my arms fall asleep more often than I do and women everywhere will give you unwanted advice or inform you of how you apparently look to the rest of the world.
Secondly, I've noticed some things during this pregnancy. I've noticed that I have a temper that seems to have a mind of its own, my ankles all but disappear into a puffy oblivion after five p.m., my arms fall asleep more often than I do and women everywhere will give you unwanted advice or inform you of how you apparently look to the rest of the world.
Like the other day, I was on a walk, y'know, minding my own business, when some particularly rotund woman asked, "WHEN'S YOUR BABY DUE?"
What I wanted to say: "When's YOUR baby due? Grief! You don't even know if I'm actually pregnant. I could be in the middle of some horrific thyroid issue for all you know."
What I actually said: "Um, July."
She then proceeded to announce, "Wow. You look miserable."
What I wanted to say: "EAT CRAP AND DIE. You'll probably manage to get emphysema tomorrow considering the number of cigarettes I just saw you suck down."
What I actually said: "Thanks..."
Jeez. Did the Good Lord run out of brain filters when He was making these people? On what planet is it okay to tell a pregnant woman that she LOOKS miserable instead of asking, "How are you doing?"
And then there are the advice givers/oversharers. These people like to tell you just how bad it's GOING to get, and what you're experiencing now is actually no big deal. Well, pardon me, ma'am. I happen to have not gone through labor yet. So, yeah, while I'm not experienced in the field of giving birth to triplets in the middle of the Vietnam War, I AM going to voice my annoyance at the fact that when I lie on my left side, my right arm falls asleep and I think it's weird.
I also think that the words, "Oh, just you wait till..." should never be uttered by a veteran mom to a novice mom. What exactly is the purpose of that? Are you VM's trying to get me to tie my tubes immediately after labor? Because, so far, it's working.
What I said: "I'm tired."
What Mrs. VM replied with: "Oh, just you wait till she starts crying at all hours of the night and you can't figure out what the heck is wrong with her."
What I said: "Her head feels so huge!"
What Mrs. VM replied with: "Oh, just you wait till you're in the middle of labor and it feels like you're trying to pass the biggest poop of your life."
Just... stop. Did I ask you to share those things with me? No. Yes, I know I'm inexperienced. I know that I don't have any kids yet and I can't possibly know how hard pregnancy is until I have another rugrat running around. But, please, keep your opinions to yourself. I didn't ask for those stories on purpose.
Sunshine and smiles,
This made me crack up! Glad you have your humor to get you through all that!