Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Eight Months

Grumpster will be eight months old on Saturday. I think that's just beyond weird. She's hardly the same child now. Her personality is much too big for her body. She's constantly crawling all over creation and pulling herself up to stand on anything she can reach. She likes to do naughty things like sit on mommy's computer or try to feel daddy's brain by going in through his eye socket. She also enjoys saying "mamamamamamama", but only when she's whiny. During her other, happier moods, she likes to say "da daaadadaadada". I'm not sure how I feel about my name being associated with sadness. 

She's a little snot, but I love her dearly. I've honestly tried to imagine what my life would be like if we hadn't gotten pregnant immediately after our wedding, and I can't. Well, I can, but it's very... empty. As frustrated as I get with her, I definitely wouldn't want my life any other way -- stretch marks and all.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Since It's Sunday

When I was in high school,
there was always a student who read the morning announcements
over the loudspeaker.
At the end of everything, they'd say
"Make it a great day, or not... the choice is yours."
I never really thought much about it
until I was struggling with my divorce.

It was up to me to have a good day.
It was up to me to find something to be happy about.
My mood was my choice. 

Let's all choose today to find just
one thing
to be happy about.
Even if we are, quite possibly,
having the worst day of our lives,
there's always one thing to smile about.

We always have a choice.

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Friday, March 8, 2013

I Take It All Back

Hello, dear readers!
I've missed you.
I know that I'm a little lot late to the party this year
but I've decided to try something else with my little corner of the internet.
While I will hopefully maintain a certain
je ne sais quoi (translated- sassypants)
I also want to aim a little higher with my posts.

While I may lose some readers doing this,
I feel that it's important for me to share with those who will listen
what makes me happiest in life.
No, not every post will be
But there will be some.
Please know
that I don't mean to offend any of you with my writing.
All I ask
is that if you disagree with something I've said,
please be respectful and kind.

I'm a Mormon
I'm a Mormon.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Since It's Sunday

"I stand in holy places
Protected from the storm
Anchored safe in harbor
Though my sails are ripped and worn
I stand in holy places
And I will not move
Until the Lord has come and says, "Well done,"
He is the hope I hold onto
In holy places"
-  "Stand In Holy Places" by Jenny Jordan Frogley