Thursday, April 28, 2011

To bring the world His truth...

Tonight, I am in charge of the lesson for the Family Home Evening that Nick and I do on a weekly basis. Normally, we would hold it on Tuesday nights. But, because he was out of town that day, we are holding it tonight.

In preparing my lesson on Lehi's Dream, I was able to read a really great talk given by Boyd K. Packer. He spoke of his days as a youth in the military. He spoke of how other scoffed at him because of his beliefs and standards. That was in the early 1950's! He knows how different things are now, and how filthy life has become.

Just yesterday, a woman came into MVC (my job) and was speaking offhandedly to another customer. The man she was speaking to asked,

                      "How's married life?"

To that she responded,
                      "Oh, about the same."

WHAT?!!?!!?! Why is that okay? Why has society become so diluded that it is now normal for couples to live together prior to marriage? Why is it okay for couples to live together when marriage hasn't even been discussed? Why is pre-marital sex recreational? Something is wrong here.

"The greatest trick Satan ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Que mi corazon esta colgando en tus manos...

I am such a slacker when it comes to blogging. Life got the better of me, and I completely forgot about this little slice of relief. If I can't physically journal, at least I can blog. I mean, come ON.

Life is moving pretty fast for me, now. I work nearly full time now. (I say "nearly" because I work in the ballpark of 39 hours a week.) I also have the world's greatest boyfriend. We are, in essence, engaged to be engaged. It's all just a matter of time.

Let me get you up to date:

Nick came home from his mission to Mexico in November of last year. We began dating officially in December, and have progressed quickly in our relationship. He knows more about me than anyone ever has, and I trust him completely. He is patient and incredibly loving. I don't deserve him at all.

Dating Nick has also increased my spirituality and my desire to serve. We are planning on going to Mexico for our honeymoon, and this is VERY exciting for him. He finds ways to continue living his mission every day. He gives out pass along cards and refers people to the missionaries regularly. He is truly an inspiration to me. I really admire him.

I find myself with a prayer in my heart regularly because of my desire to improve. Being with Nick has started a fire within me that is greater than anything I have ever experienced. I want everyone I know to feel this happiness. I want to share my testimony, and change their lives. But, to do that, they have to open their hearts and listen to the Spirit.